Bottless Water Cooler


SB 16000

The SB16000 is designed with elegance to complement any workspace. This unit dispenses hot and ambient water and nugget-style ice. Taller than your average countertop unit, the SB16000 produces 165 lbs of ice a day and is available with a base for a freestanding option. Housed inside is an LED UV light that maintains sanitation in the reservoir. On the outside, touch-activated sensors make for an easy refilling experience, and drainless technology means placement limitations don’t exist.

  • Dispenses hot & ambient water

  • Ice maker & water dispenser all in one

  • Dispenses chewable ice

  • Advanced hygiene features

Water Bubble Elements

Let’s Meet The SB 16000

Weight 99 lbs
Dimensions 23.6″ H
14.2″ W
23.6″ D
Ice Output 165 lbs (74.9 kg) in 24 hours
Ice Storage Capacity 16.5 lbs
(7.3 kg)
Dispense Height 11″
Recommended Water Pressure 30-70 psi
Rated Voltage/ Frequency 120v/60Hz
Power Consumption 4.9 amps (565 W)

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